Farm for the Fourth

Pete’s family takes Fourth of July very seriously. When we first started dating, I remember the first Fourth I spent with him in Chicago. His small town really goes all out- there is a parade with local veterans, the high school drill teams, and the whole town comes out and lines the streets. It seems like every house is having a bar-b-q and it all just feels very American in the best way.

This year we will be celebrating with friends and their kids at our farm, and I am really feeling festive. We are grilling, swimming, having field day races, and watching an outdoor movie. I already stocked the farm with some fun Fourth-themed ‘cessories that I shot last weekend for our Fourth of July edit– we also did a practice run on some of the recipes we are cooking that I will share next. Specifically the pimento cheese pinwheels which are a holiday celebration unto themselves.




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We ordered those red, white and blue lawn chairs after reading about the company in Garden & Gun. They will be perfect for watching our outdoor movie- we are thinking Space Jam because the kids haven’t seen it, but if y’all have any suggestions for a more 4th of July themed movie, let me know. I am obsessed with the firework cocktail napkins, and my festive new bather- oh! And we are going to be making popsicles. I don’t know who will enjoy it more, me or the kids.

  1. Watermelon Float 2. Candy-Striped Turkish Towels 3. Lawn Chairs 4. Bunch o Balloons 5. Striped Bathing Suit 6. Southern Gentleman’s Kitchen 7. Red Cooler 8. Firework Cocktail Napkins ** Baby You’re a Firework Hand Towel 

“Night Movie” Photography by artist Julie Blackmon

All images Bailey McCarthy for Biscuit Home

8 thoughts on “Farm for the Fourth

  1. Sandlot is very 4th of July to me. Baseball and Wendy Peffercorn. I mean… come on. PLUS, the 4th happens in that movie!

  2. I agree with Cat for kids,but my all time favorite is Yankee Doodle Dandy! Nothing else needs to be said!The kids will love the songs!We watch it every year!!Plus a nice little history lesson a ing the way.

  3. Is Pete from Hinsdale? We have lived in Hinsdale for the past few years and I have turned into such a fan of the 4th living here!!

  4. “Night Movie” is beautiful. I’m so impressed with all the artwork you source, I checked out Julie Blackmon’s website and love everything there. Thank you for introducing me to her.

  5. Hi love your blog and also enjoy the article that was done on your home. your green velvet sofa is amazing but I was very drawn to the painting of the man you have over it. As an artist I am interested in knowing if you know who the painter is or the name of the painting. Is so I’d love to know

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