Hi, It’s Lauren from Pure Style Home just popping over for a guest post while Bailey gets married!!
My wedding advice is that not everything will go as planned on the “big day,” but know that & get over it, and realize that you’re marrying the love of your life… who cares if the party isn’t exactly as you’d envisioned? Keep your priorities straight and nobody likes a Bridezilla. 😉 .. And also, spend as much time with your new spouse as you can. You’ll be pulled in a million directions on your wedding day but it’s most important to spend it with him.
Ok, and this wasn’t asked but someone gave this advice to me on marriage & I think it’s good: Always focus on making the other person happy and putting him/ her first (not yourself)…
Bailey- have a beautiful wedding and I’m so happy for you!!!
Oh my, I danced like a madwoman too. At one point my mom turned to me and asked, “Who are you dancing with?” I don’t know. No one.
Lauren, you guys are a seriously adorable couple and you were a beautiful bride. I totally agree with the marriage advice–if both people concentrate on making the other happy and respecting each other things would go a lot easier. If both people focus on themselves chances are no one will end up happy.
Good advice, both for the wedding and the marriage. 🙂