…about the best thing I have ever done.
Well, it is disingenuous to say “I”.
Really I should say “we”.
Because, you see…
Pete and I made ourselves a little bitty baby.
Right now it lives in my tummy, but sometime this summer it will come live with us in our home, and we are terribly excited about that.
We were more than a little surprised. We had kind of planned on just being married for a year or two before inviting a baby to come live with us. But little baby had other plans and was like, I think now would be better, and so we were like you know what?
That sounds like a great idea!
And now I am all, ugh! Baby!! 9 Months is SO LONG to wait. I wish you would come live with us NOW! Except not really.
I want you to take all the time you need to cook up in there and become super healthy and chubby and adorable before you come meet us and then I will kiss you and kiss you and kiss you with 9 months of kisses.
We got to tell my family when we were in Texas over Christmas, and they were pretty surprised too.
Wanna see?
If the video is fuzzy for you click to watch it on youtube…a lot less fuzz.
So are you as excited for Baby McCarthy as we are?
You probably should be.
Because our baby is going to be a B.O.S.S.
I had a feeeeeling! Happiest congratulations to you and Pete!
Ok see, today was supposed to be a bad day. I got up all early to prepare for it; I expected to wake up to bad things in my life. Like, legit bad things. And then my favorite blogger announces she is having a baby!? AND posts an insanely touching youtube vid to boot? Literally, nothing can bring down my day after this (law school, I just dare you).
SUPER, major congratulations! I am swooning preemptively over all of the inspired baby-related posts you are going to concoct.
So wonderful!!! Congratulations!!!! LOVE the video and everyone’s reactions – so great that you caught them on video!
AHHHHHHH! I actually TEARED UP! Congrats.
What could be better? Too exciting to put into words. THRILLED
OOOOOMG!!!!!!!! Exciting news, congrats to you both! xoxo
Baby Nugget McCarthy,
I love you already. You are going to LOVE living with Pete and Bailey – they are awesome. I can’t wait to meet you.
Your favorite Aunt
BAILY!!!! Oh my gosh – misty eyes during that video – so excited for you and your hubbsters!!! You are going to to be the most well-dressed gorgeous preggers girl and you have got to show-and-tell throughout your entire 9 months ok? Well, you don’t have to, but if you do I will be pumped. Because you are hilarous. And your nursery is going to be the coolest/cutest room ever and I can’t wait to see what you do with it. CONGRATULATIONS, girl! Screaming over this and I don’t even really know you, haha… But I FEEL like I do!
P.S. – very sneaky about hyping all those vodka lemonades over NYE in Cali – you definitely fooled your readers 🙂
Congratulations!!!! That video was incredible. Totally had me crying at my computer. So happy for you both!
I just cried HARD through that whole video. And I can’t even blame it on hormones.
Congratulations! I’m so thrilled for you and Pete! What a beautiful, wonderful surprise!
Bring on the baby posts!
Congrats again!!!! Saw your tweet last night and obviously came here first thing this morning. So exciting!!!!!
Seriously – best post you have ever done. How exciting!!! And the nugget has the sweetest video EVER!!!
bailey, wow! just wow! congratulations to you and pete!!!
holy crap… guess nature knows best, huh? Congratulations to the both of you!! I know no doubt you’ll be the most fun parents ever.
Yeah I cried. What of it? I think I will watch the video on repeat until all of the makeup I just applied has been washed away by my tears. I LOVE this baby so much and I am going to smother it with kisses too!
Wow, congratulations!!! I am so surprised! First I was insanely jealous of your super awesome wedding, and your super awesome rich lifestyle life, and now I am super jealous of your fabulous baby-to-be too! I can’t wait to follow along with you as you prepare to give birth!
Congrats Bailey and Pete !! Thanks for sharing your fun video with us. What a lucky little baby to have you for a mommy !
I had a feeling this was going to be your big news! As a mom to a 2 year old boy, I have to say there is nothing sweeter. It’s hard as hell, but so worth it. Can’t wait to see what you will do with the nursery 🙂
Heyyyy! Congratulations! How exciting and I love the delivery of the news. Classic…mom was my favorite!
amazing. that was just the sweetest thing! lots of love.
BAILEY!! Congratulations!!! Babies are the BEST ever. You and Pete will adore being parents! Take us along for all the deets….nursery and all!
Cutest video ever.
From a loyal reader 🙂
Yay!! Congratulations! I am so happy it is OUT THERE for everyone to know! : ) I am also so so happy for the both of you.
Big kisses!
Congratulations to you and Pete!!!! You will both be the most adorable parents!
Congrats x1000! PS – is Lohan news on behind your stepdad?
Congrats! Love your blog and looking forward to baby related posts! Enjoy!
Yayyyy!! I was waiting for this special post! SO happy for the two of you!
CONGRATS Bailey!! I heard some wind of it on Facebook but this is amazing and I LOVE Your video 🙂 SO happy for you and Pete!! xoxo
Awww Bailey!! Congrats!!! The whole family is so excited for you and Pete! We can’t wait to welcome another to our crazy fam 🙂 love to you and Pete and baby!
Martha D. (cousin/avid reader/Christmas puppy dog receiver)
Congratulations!!! That video made me tear up.
Jessica- Haha, yes of course it is. We invite Lindsay to participate in some way or another in all of our big family moments.
So I was sitting on a conference call clicking through some of my favorite blogs when I saw your post and absolutely could not wait until my call was over so I could click over the video – I knew it would be the absolute cutest and it was! A huge congratulations to you and yours!! Cannot wait to follow the chronicles of this little bun in the oven 🙂
Congratulations to you and Pete! What wonderful news!!!
baby M, I can’t wait to teach all sortsa fun things.
bailey – that video is the best thing of life. ever.
CONGRATULATIONS!!!! that’s so wonderful! loved the video by the way – sooo sweet : )
can’t wait for more baby updates
Congratulations Bailey! And to Pete too! You’re going to have a gorgeous baby! I can’t wait to see the lovely nursery you’re going to design! XoXo
i just cried againn ahhhhhhhhhhhhh
Congratulations, Bailey! What a wonderful surpise 🙂
Congrats!!! That video was awesome. Looking forward to your nursery posts! Congrats again!
Bailey!!!! Congratulations! That is so exciting. I love the video! What a fun way of spreading the news. XOXO
Oh, how precious! Congratulations to you and your husband! No doubt, this baby will be the absolute awesomest! Can’t wait to follow your blog through this adventure!
P.S. I thought you were going to tell us you were going to be on the Nate Berkus Show. This is SO much better than that! 😉
Congratulaions again!!
Oh sweet Lord! I am SO HAPPY for you! I love how you told everyone – what a fabulous surprise. That sweet thing is going to be gorgeous!
Congrats my darling!! That is so incredibly exciting! Enjoy every single moment
Congrats Bailey!!! That’s so exciting and wonderful!!! The video was absolutely adorable! xx
YAY!!!!!!! That is so great! Congrats cannot wait to hear all about everything baby…perhaps it will make me more ready for one! 🙂
I am so excited for you. you are going to have the most STUNNING child! eeeek. I’ll be up in the Spring (hopefully!) and we have to get lunch and catch up on all of this baby mama drama. Congrats! Can’t wait to see this nursury… good lord is it going to be precious : )
Congratulations Bailey! Such a sweet video. I can’t wait to read your hilarious posts on the pregnancy, how exciting!
That is wonderful news!! Congratulations! I’m sure that is going to be the hippest baby the world’s ever seen =)
Literally, teared up. Met you like twice. Awkward? Yes. You can just see the love and excitement! And well…I’m a glass case of emotion. Congrats, lady!
Holy Bananas. Yesterday when you twittered asking if anyone wanted to guess what the big news was, I was THIS close so replying preggers. I thought no way. Guess I am psychic. Jk. Big time congrats! Baby’s nursery is going to rock the casbah.
ahhh, great, big, fantastic news! and love the reactions too, congrats!
Bailey!!! What an amazing video! You had me tearing up and I barely have a soul! So, so amazing! Congratulations one hundred times over. 🙂
congrats Miss Bailey!
Congratulations! I loved your video it was so great! Can’t wait to do one of our family in the future…distant future 🙂
Congratulations, Bailey!! Your video is amazing!
SO exciting!!!!Congrats!!!!
Ah! So excited for you!!!! Congrats!!!! I’m going to need you to come to NY and sprinkle some baby dust on me, because I can not get a bun in this oven no matter how hard I try.
Much love to you and Pete!
i wish i could say i had something to do with this…
but i’m just that way in general.
congrats McC’s. this baby is very lucky indeed.
Bailey (and Pete)this video is beyond adorable. How wonderful that you will be able to show this to he/she one day. Made me cry those awesome kind of tears. I know how much you have always wanted babies and I know you will ROCK at motherhood- this is a lucky little itty bitty baby. Big huge congrats. Now when you have this baby and are in town I must get notice so I can squeeze he/she. Wishes for an easy breezy pregnancy and lots of love. lori
So happy for you both! Yay for baby 🙂
Bailey!!! I am so happy for you. Sexiest mommy ever!
Oh my goodness–what a fabulous post and video! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! 🙂
i can’t stop watching it! LOVE you both!!
I am sobbing!!! I love that video! Good thing I took a personal day today and didn’t watch this at work! Congrats again to both of you!!!
Bails!!!!!! I am sooo happy for you!!!! You are going to be such an amazing mother and this is one lucky baby (who is going to have one boss wardrobe!). I can hardly believe it. Congratulations a million times over!!!!!
P.S. I am sending a winkle to baby McCarthy!
Congratulations…amazing news!
That video is amazing! If it didn’t make me cry I would watch it everyday. Congratulations!
the look on your friend’s faces is priceless. Congrats Bailey Momma!
Aww thats lovely! Congratulations 🙂
Sending huge congratulations- so happy for you!!! xo
How incredibly exciting!!! Can’t wait to see what your bitty baby bungalow ends up looking like! Enjoy this time!
Congrats!!!!!!! This post made me tear up. You are going to be one rock’n mama!! I would love to do a post of some cool baby things for you down the line! Let me know your thoughts. Also, check out this blog expectingchic.blogspot.com
Congrats again to you and pete!
Ok, that video had me bawling. Probably bc I’m pregnant too. Congrats!! I can’t WAIT to read more posts about your pregnancy! 🙂
Such incredibly wonderful happy news! SO excited for you and your adorable hubs!xx
YAY! congrats!!!!xxxx
How lovely! 🙂 Congratulations, Momma! Can’t wait to see how chic the nursery is!
I’ve been following your blog ever since I was introduced to you by In Style but never got a chance to say how adorable I think you are and the way you surprised everyone with the baby news…now your adorbs rating is just through the roof. Congrats.
Congratulations! I’m such a fan of your blog. I watched the video (soo adorable) and cried while my wee one slept on me. You’re in for a treat!
I have tears in my eyes from that video. That is the sweetest, cutest, most amazing video ever!! CONGRATS!
CONGRATULATIONS!!! That was the cutest video ever!! Definitely teared up and watched it 3 times!! So excited to see all the future baby posts!
i was feeling stalker-ish today so i watched your video again… and it made me cry… again!