Alison of My Little Happy Place is a girl after my own heart. A Texas girl, for one, with an adorable young family living in Brazil and a great positive outlook on life. I am so pleased she put together this rad room for our nugget.
I heard a Baby Girl was in need of charming digs prior to her arrival, so I’m happy to oblige with MLHP’s version of dream nursery. No budget limits, right?
My vision has Baby Q-McCarthy in a petite diva, more is more space. My jumping off point was the Malachite rug – an ode to Tony Duquette, followed by a gilded cage of a crib. The Draper chest is her changing table, for she will have one, precious bum – topped with art that any girl from Texas (ahem) will love.
An indispensable, yet classic glider paired with a lucite side table and tangerine Moroccan pouf that Mommy B can prop her feet on, and that Baby will later love to climb. Note that cheetah pillow – grrrr!
Navy silk curtains complete the fancy feel, but toss in some contemporary lighting to keep it from being overly plush.
There, I think you’ve got yourself a nursery fit for a very discriminating Mini B!
Thanks, Bailey, for letting me in on the fun!
alison g.
Well, the gold crib pretty much seals the deal. Of all we’ve seen, this one feels the most Bailey to me. I really, really want to see what you come up with!
this does seem very bailey. whimsical, nutty and pretty.
plus you will never see baby throw up on that rug.
good job alison!!
Could eat that malachite rug for breakfast and I’d take a side of the gilded gold crib with it- brilliant space and I agree, it seems very you Bailey. High fives Allison!!
While they’ve all been beautiful, I am totally in love with this one. And I especially adore that print!
Love this combo! That gold crib is perfection.
Hey Bailey,
This is completely unrelated to babies… but one of your bathrooms is on Apartment Therapy!
…. shoulda read the comments on the AT post! Guess you’ve already seen it 🙂