Remember, like, a month ago when I said I was going to show you my desk redo tomorrow?
And how that never happened?
Well I was waiting on my BossyPinkVelvet Executive chair that the upholsterers were a month late in delivering. But it is here now, so I can show you! GolfClaps.
As a reminder, this is what it was like before:
And then we decided to put the sofa in storage so I could have an actual proper desk.
Which was a good decision, but still made me pretty lonely for my sofa. Especially when the desk looked so sad.
But now that my BPV Executive chair is here, I feel much better about everything.
The BPV is otherwise known as a Knoll Otto Zapf Executive Chair, and I found one at a resale shop here in Houston. It was upholstered in an ok white leather, but when I sat in it, it whispered to me “I dream of Hot Pink Velvet” and then, it was so.
On either side of my desk are Expedit Bookshelves. The shelving to the left holds all of our product catalogs, and the one to the right has some inspiring decorating books, my Domino magazine collection, and other important items. Above my desk is a shelf with baskets for each of our current client projects holding fabric samples/plans/materials.
Bulletin boards got pictures of mah babies, notes from clients, fabric samples and some funny prints that please me.
The desk houses essentials like a whole jar of glitter jelly roll pens, a psychedelic Baccarat butterfly given to me by the sweetest client in the world.
One of our Biscuit trays holds business cards, cell phones, and lip gloss. Those double decker trays give the mountains of papercrap that accumulates on my desk some sort of meaning in life.
My BPV Executive is awaiting some casters to get it up to height and have me wheeling in style, and productivity is at an all-time high. Whatcha’ll think? Do you find your productivity is affected by the aesthetics of your workspace?
OMG!! That is the fattest, happiest office chair I have ever seen…love it!!
A pink velvet cloud for your butt! Perfect.
The chair and your office looks amazing! I’m envious of your organization. Can you tell me where you get all your cards made (featuring Grace)? They are so cute!
I’m dying over that pink chair – that’s my fave colour & it looks super comfy!
I want to go to there. Seriously I want to work in that space. Can you tell me where you got the Laduree poster in the top right corner of the bulletin board? I would love that! Thanks!!
Can you tell me what you are using for a desk? I love it, but didn’t see you mentioned it. I would miss the couch too!
Absolutely – the desk space makes everything else work – I love it – that pink chair is killer!!!! Also will you make an entire room out of that Brunschwig pink spot fabric
That chair is AWESOME! Though… I think I’d fall asleep in it’s comfort 🙂
that is the most amazing office chair i have ever seen. and i feel like almost everything is better in hot pink velvet.
Your new chair is AMAZING!! It makes me happy and I don’t even get to enjoy it!! Love your shop and blog! 🙂 Have a great day!
Ohhh I absolutely love this! Your bulletin board is perfectly inspirational without being overwhelming. And that chair is perfection! It looks ridiculously comfortable…wheels will be perfect addition!
I second the Laduree poster request! I have been looking for it forever!
Is it innappropriate that your new chair reminds me of Rosemary Shannahan? But like Jack Black, I’m totally smitten with her beauty! Great find and rescue!
I (and assume others) would LOVE if you share the source for your upholstery job. Or maybe you could do a post on sources you recommend in Houston, Austin and Chicago. I have passed on many goodies at resale shops that have great bones, just need a pick me up with a new upholstery job, but I just have no idea where to go. Also, I would love to have roman shades made like you showed in your kitchen post…but again, no idea where to turn! I have a new home that is very “Houston” with shades of beige, brown and bronze (oh my!) and would love the suggestions of someone with a similar aesthetic and an eye for quality to breathe some life and color in our new space.
Thank you!
Meg- I do most of our cards through The Houston Invitation Service, they work with a lot of different brands and are fantastic.
Caroline & Erika- I believe I got it at Laduree, but I will do some more poking around and see if I can find a link for y’all.
Karin- My desk is from CB2, mine is the larger version, and we have 2 of the smaller versions along the back wall for Maddie & Caroine
TMD- I wish I could just pass this information out, but these sources are an essential part of my job. It takes a lot of research and trial and error to find a really great workroom, and giving out their information wouldn’t be fair to the clients who pay me for the use of my resources. Simple google searches will bring up local upholsterers and curtain showrooms, but beyond that you might just have to hire a designer and pay them for their expertise. Most are happy to do one off projects like an upholstery job & curtains! Hope that helps.
Gahh you are too cool! I love the bulletin board and the chair! Anddd I totally want to copy all of your Gracie cards for my own bebe someday soon! Hilariously cute! 🙂
I would never leave that chair. Ever.
I was hoping to save some legwork, but I can respect that this may conflict with your design services! :). I just wanted to say thanks for responding to my request. Too many bloggers neglect reader questions!
Just LOVE the chair. Sooo comfy. One question, I love the monogram tote. Where can I find one?? Let me know. Just love it!!! Thanks, Gail
Hi Gail- The bag is Goyard. Thanks!
I love the desk chair! It makes me realize I need to upgrade — something cozy like that would probably really improve my blogging, it looks like a chair you’d never want to get out of.